Mom Encouragement: Motivation for the Mentally Exhausting Days

As a mom, there are days you feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.
I’ve been there many times – those moments when exhaustion takes over, everything seems to be going wrong, you feel like you can’t take on anything else, and you’re running on empty. It’s during these challenging times that a little bit of mom encouragement can go a long way. Whether it’s a kind word or just knowing you’re not alone, these small gestures can make a big difference. In this post, I want to share some uplifting encouragement and motivation to help you navigate those mentally exhausting days.

Mom Encouragement for Every Mother
If you’re having one of those overwhelming days, start by taking a deep breath and reading the following ten mom encouragement mantras.

Mom Encouragement Words to Keep You Going
These mom encouragement mantras are what I need to hear when I’m at the end of my rope. I hope that they uplift you too.
You are only human.
As moms, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do everything right, and have it all together. The mental load of motherhood and mom shaming that many of us have to deal with doesn’t help matters. However, we’re only human, just like everyone else. We have to try to give ourselves grace and be kind to ourselves when we make mistakes. No one is a perfect mother.
Your efforts are appreciated.
A lot of the work we do as moms is invisible labor. There’s a lot we have to do to keep our families running and so much is behind the scenes. Try to find moments during your day where you can see that your efforts are appreciated. Sometimes my daughter will just curl up to me, give me a hug, and tell me that I am the best mommy in the whole world. Even though she’s only 6, I do believe that she values all that I do for her. If you struggle to find those moments in your day and are feeling unappreciated by your partner, look into the fair play method.
Small moments count too.
I feel pressure to plan the best outings for my family, but sometimes the smallest moments end up being the best moments. This week, my daughter and I did some errands and then came home and played with water guns and water balloons. We were laughing hysterically and having so much fun with each other. It helped me see that my daughters don’t need extravagant outings, they just want us to be silly and have fun together.
Your children are lucky to have you.
I know you are trying so hard each and every day to be the best mom you can be. You wouldn’t have found this blog post if you weren’t! Your children are so lucky to have you, someone who strives to be a better mom each day, who wants to give them the best life possible, who loves and cares for them deeply.
Your well-being matters too.
As moms, we tend to prioritize everyone else above ourselves. However, it’s essential that we take the time for self-care, as well as basic needs such as eating, hydrating, and sleeping. There’s a reason why on planes, they tell you to put your oxygen mask on before helping anyone else. If we’re not well, we won’t be able to take care of others.
Imperfect homes are normal.
As a new mom especially, I was afraid that people would judge my cluttered home. I was barely surviving taking care of a newborn and organizing my home was pretty low on my priority list. I still hated for people to come over and see it a mess though, since plenty of people I knew did a better job of keeping up with their home than I did. My girls are older now so I have more time to keep up with my home, but I’ve also learned that it’s okay if my home isn’t perfect. An imperfect home is a home that is lived in, where lots of fun and laughs have occurred.
Set boundaries whenever necessary.
If certain people make you feel inadequate, you have a right to protect your well-being and set some boundaries. It’s also perfectly fine to say no if you’re invited out or someone wants to visit and you’re having a really rough day and just need some peace and quiet. I used to feel bad saying no, but now when I’m torn about something I ask myself if it’s something I really want to do, or if it’s something that will make me happy. If the answer is no, then I say no.
You’re stronger than you think.
Motherhood is hard, no doubt about it. However, I know you’re stronger than you realize. Take a minute and think back on all you have accomplished as a mom so far. Maybe your youngest is a toddler. That means you survived the newborn phase! Perhaps you have school-aged kids. That means you made it through the toddler years! If you’re still in the newborn phase, then think about the smaller periods you have gotten through, whether that’s an illness, a breastfeeding session, or a sleep regression. Give yourself credit for the incredible mom that you are. You deserve it!
You are not alone.
Motherhood can feel so lonely and isolating, especially in the beginning. I had a few friends having babies around the same time as me but none of them lived close by. It wasn’t until my girls started going to school that I found mom friends going through similar struggles. If you’re going through that lonely period and don’t have any mom friends yet, still know that you are not alone. It can be helpful to remind yourself that someone, somewhere, is going through exactly what you are going through right now. Hopefully that helps you feel less alone.
You’re doing a great job.
I think “You’re doing a great job” is one of the best mom encouragement mantras. Isn’t that what we’d all like to hear when we’re having a rough day, or any day for that matter? On Mother’s Day one of my friends sent me a reel from the Bluey episode “The Baby Race”, where Bella tells Chilli “You’re doing great,” and that brought tears to my eyes. Being a mom is the hardest job out there, and we’re all just trying to do our best. I know that you’re doing a great job too.

As a mom, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and question if you’re doing enough.
But remember, every effort you make and every hug you give has an impact on your children. It’s the small, everyday moments that build the strong and loving foundation. Whenever you doubt yourself, come back to these mom encouragement statements and remind yourself of the amazing job you are doing. You are not alone on this journey, and you are doing far better than you often give yourself credit for.
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