75 Empowering Self-Love Mantras for Moms to Live By

stressed woman needing self-love mantras for moms

As moms, we often pour all of our energy into caring for our families.

This leads us to be extra hard on and forget to nurture ourselves along the way. Self-love mantras for moms are helpful tools to gently remind ourselves of our worthiness and strength.

The struggle is real. There are days when I feel like I did so much yet nothing at all. Between working a full-time job, keeping up with what my kids need, getting laundry done, and trying to have a real conversation with my husband, I get to the end of the day and feel like I didn’t do anything important or meaningful to me.

There are activities I’d much rather do, like just sit and read with my older daughter, or play a game with my younger daughter. Or there are times when I may be doing a fun activity with my kids but I don’t feel there, because I’m thinking of so many other things. Many days I get to the end of the day and feel like a failure as a mom since I didn’t have good quality time with my kids.

I feel guilty because deep down, being a mom is my favorite and most important job, but I really struggle to find the time to just be Mom. Self-love mantras for moms really come in handy in those moments, when I’m feeling the mom guilt, getting dragged down by shoulds and musts, and worrying that I’m not a good enough mom.

In this blog post, I will share the many benefits of self-love mantras for moms, some tips on how to use them, and give you 75 self-love mantras for moms to start using today.

What are self-love mantras?

Self-love mantras are positive and loving statements or phrases that you read or say to yourself when you need a lift. They are statements to be said over and over until they bring about a calming, peaceful feeling.

Do self-love mantras actually work?

Our brains easily spiral. Recently I forgot about my kindergartener’s sight word test. Then I remembered something else I forgot about a couple days prior. After all of the spiraling, forgetting about the sight word test turned into me telling myself I was a bad mom.

Self-love mantras help stop those negative, spiraling thoughts. You start to visualize the mantras, and believe them. This helps shift from a negative mindset to a more positive one.

There is also evidence from MRI studies that suggest “certain neural pathways are increased when people practice self-affirmation tasks.” When we practice self-love mantras on a regular basis, we aren’t as bothered by threatening information.

Benefits of Self-Love Mantras for Moms

There are many benefits of practicing self-love mantras for moms.

  • More Self-Confidence: Regularly repeating self-love mantras can boost self-confidence by making you feel more worthy and capable as a mother.
  • Lower Stress: Mantras help shift the focus away from worries, and instead, create more relaxation and inner peace.
  • Better Mental Well-being: Positive affirmations can improve mood by promoting a more optimistic outlook on life.
  • Greater Resilience: Self-love mantras build emotional resilience, helping us navigate our challenges with grace and strength.
  • More Self-Care: Mantras encourage us to prioritize self-care activities that nurture our physical, emotional, and mental health.
  • Better Parenting Skills: When we practice self-love, we become better equipped to meet the needs of our children with patience, compassion, and understanding.
  • Healthy Boundaries: Mantras can help us set healthy boundaries in our relationships.
  • Increased Productivity: By shifting to a more positive mindset through self-love mantras, we can experience more motivation and productivity in our daily tasks.
  • Better Relationships: When we practice self-love about ourselves, we model healthy dynamics for our children and create stronger connections with our partners and loved ones.
  • More Joy and Fulfillment: Ultimately, practicing self-love mantras allows us to embrace our motherhood journey with greater joy, fulfillment, and gratitude.

How to Find Self-Love Mantras for Moms

You can create your own self-love mantras for moms by jotting down your negative thoughts and turning them into positive statements. You can also read different self-love mantras and be your best self quotes. Write down the ones that have special meaning to you. I share 75 different self-love mantras for moms below!

How to Use Self-Love Mantras for Moms

Here are some helpful tips for using self-love mantras for moms:

  • Be consistent by making self-love mantras part of your daily practice, whether that’s during your morning routine checklist, afternoon break, or evening routine. Choose whatever time works best for you.
  • Visualize by closing your eyes and seeing yourself achieving the mantra.
  • Personalize by using mantras that start with “I”, “My”, and other first-person words.
  • Say the mantras out loud in front of a mirror.
  • Write the mantras over and over again in your journal.
  • Make the mantras easily accessible by leaving them around the house in places you pass by frequently.
  • Meditate the mantras in a calm and peaceful environment.
  • Make a mantra jar by placing all your favorite mantras in a jar and choose one randomly when you need it.
  • Create a ritual for your mantras that is special to you such as candles or a comfortable space.
  • Make a mantra board such as a bulletin board, chalkboard, or dry erase board where you display your favorite mantras and change them periodically.
pin for 75 empowering self-love mantras for moms

75 Self-Love Mantras for Moms

Here are 75 different self-love mantras for moms. Read through them all and repeat the ones that resonate most with you on a regular basis.

Self-Love Mantra #1 – “I am deserving of love and care, just as much as my children.”

As moms, we tend to put everyone else’s needs above ours. But we are important too! We deserve to receive the same kind of love and appreciation that we give to others.

Self-Love Mantra #2 – “I honor my journey as a mother, and all that I have accomplished.”

We all have our own special journeys as a mom, whether we gave birth or adopted, and no two journeys are the same. It’s easy to get down on ourselves if things didn’t go as we hoped but we’re all raising beautiful children, and that in itself is a great accomplishment.

Self-Love Mantra #3 – “I am enough, just as I am.”

I have many days where I feel like I’m not doing enough as a mom. Maybe it’s that I didn’t get as much playtime with my kids as I would have hoped, I didn’t do any constructive activities with them, or an endless list of other “failures”. But then at bedtime my daughter gives me a hug and tells me I’m the best mommy, and I realize that I’m the exact kind of mom that my kids need. You, my friend, are too.

Self-Love Mantra #4 – “I deserve to be seen, heard, and valued for who I truly am.”

It’s easy to feel invisible as a mom. We do so many behind-the-scenes tasks that can go unnoticed. (Wait, you mean clothes in the next size just don’t show up at the door automatically?) We deserve to be valued and not taken for granted.

Self-Love Mantra #5 – “My needs are important and worthy of attention.”

I tend to feel like I have to ask to do whatever it is I want to do that’s just for me. It’s something I just do to myself, and I know many other moms do it too. Our personal needs – whether that’s for a shower, a doctor appointment, a hair cut/color, or just a break with some peace and quiet are important.

Self-Love Mantra #6 – “I trust my intuition to guide me in making decisions for myself and my children.”

Everyone is always giving an opinion whether it’s your mother-in-law, best friend, or someone you follow on social media. Try to remind yourself (and it’s okay to say it to others too in a nice way) that you are your child’s mother and that you (and your partner) know what’s best for your children.

Self-Love Mantra #7 – “I forgive myself for any mistakes I have made; I am only human.”

All moms make mistakes. Scrolling through social media you may think that’s not the case since you come across so many (what appear to be) “perfect” moms. We’re human. You may yell at your child, or forget to buy their favorite snack. It’s okay. Try to give yourself grace. No one is perfect.

Self-Love Mantra #8 – “I am grateful for my body, and all that it has done for me.”

Clothes don’t fit the same way that they used to and there are times that I really get down on myself about that. Even if I’m not the size I’d like to be, my body went through two pregnancies and births, and is not supposed look the way it did before I had my kids. I remind myself to be thankful for what my body has gone through.

Self-Love Mantra #9 – “I am capable and confident in my abilities as a mother.”

As moms, it’s easy to doubt ourselves. We worry if our children are hitting the right milestones, if we are doing enough for them, and more. A friend once told me that the fact that I have all these worries about whether I am a good mom, means that I am indeed a good mom. I remind myself of that in those difficult moments and that helps give me confidence. If you go through similar worries, I can tell you that you are indeed a great mom too!

Self-Love Mantra #10 – “I am proud of the mother I am.”

Parenting brings about a mix of good days and bad days. The bad days may seem more frequent especially when you’re dealing with sicknesses and other stresses. It’s important to look back on all the struggles you have gotten through, and all the accomplishments you’ve had being a mom. Be proud, my friend!

mom relaxing outside with coffee practicing self-love mantras

Mindful Self-Love Mantras for Moms

  1. I embrace my imperfections and celebrate my uniqueness.
  2. My self-worth is not dependent on the approval of others.
  3. I release any guilt or shame I may be carrying and choose to love myself unconditionally.
  4. I prioritize self-care without guilt or hesitation.
  5. I am a role model for self-love and self-compassion for my children.
  6. I embrace my strengths and acknowledge my areas for growth.
  7. My worth is deep-rooted and is not based on my achievements or productivity.
  8. I am worthy of respect and kindness from myself and others.
  9. I am allowed to set boundaries to protect my time and energy.
  10. I release comparison and embrace my own unique journey.
  11. I celebrate my successes, big and small.
  12. I trust myself to make choices that align with my values and priorities.
  13. I am worthy of love and acceptance exactly as I am in this moment.
  14. I give myself permission to rest and recharge when I need it.
  15. I let go of trying to be perfect, and instead, embrace the beauty of imperfection.
  16. I am grateful for the love and support of those around me.
  17. I speak kindly to myself, nurturing my inner dialogue with compassion.
  18. I release any need to please others at the expense of my own well-being.
  19. I trust in my ability to handle whatever challenges come my way.
  20. I honor my emotions and allow myself to feel without judgment.

Positive Self-Love Mantras for Moms

  1. I am worthy of pursuing my own passions and dreams.
  2. I recognize the beauty in my flaws and imperfections.
  3. I deserve to prioritize my own happiness and fulfillment.
  4. I let go of the need for validation from others and find validation within myself.
  5. I embrace my journey of growth as a mother.
  6. I am deserving of time and space to nurture my own interests and hobbies.
  7. I am grateful for the love I give and receive in my role as a mother.
  8. I release any beliefs that diminish my self-worth and replace them with empowering thoughts.
  9. I honor my body and treat it with love and respect.
  10. I am proud of my accomplishments and the sacrifices I have made for my family.
  11. I trust that I am exactly where I need to be on my journey.
  12. I am surrounded by love and support, even in moments of struggle.
  13. I release any expectations of perfection and embrace my authentic self.
  14. I deserve to invest in my own growth and well-being.
  15. I am a loving and nurturing mother, and I am also worthy of receiving love and care.

Empowering Self-Love Mantras for Moms

  1. I am resilient and capable of overcoming any obstacles that come my way.
  2. I honor my intuition and trust myself to make the best decisions for my family.
  3. I am grateful for the lessons I learn through both the joys and challenges of motherhood.
  4. I celebrate my individuality and honor the unique gifts I bring to my family.
  5. I release the need to control every outcome and trust in the flow of life.
  6. I am worthy of love and respect from others, no matter what.
  7. I am proud of the mother I am becoming, and I give myself grace for the journey.
  8. I trust in my ability to find balance and harmony in all areas of my life.
  9. I am deserving of love and kindness, both from myself and others.
  10. I let go of any guilt or shame from past mistakes and embrace forgiveness and healing.
  11. I am deserving of success and happiness, both personally and professionally.
  12. I am deserving of rest and relaxation, without feeling guilty or selfish.
  13. I am deserving of time and space to pursue my passions and interests.
  14. I honor my needs and prioritize self-care as an essential part of my well-being.
  15. I release the need to compare myself to others and focus on my own unique journey.

Calming Self-Love Mantras for Moms

  1. I am grateful for the support system that surrounds me.
  2. I am proud of the love and nurturing I provide to my children each day.
  3. I trust in my ability to handle whatever challenges come my way with grace and resilience.
  4. I trust in the process of growth, both as a mother and as an individual.
  5. I release any beliefs that limit my potential and embrace my worthiness.
  6. I am grateful for the love and joy my children bring to my life.
  7. I am worthy of love and acceptance, just as I am.
  8. I let go of perfectionism and embrace the beauty of authenticity.
  9. I am deserving of love, respect, and kindness from myself and others.
  10. I release any self-doubt and replace it with confidence in my abilities as a mother.
  11. I honor my strengths and acknowledge my areas for growth with compassion.
  12. I trust in the journey of motherhood and embrace each moment with love and gratitude.
  13. I am worthy of success and fulfillment in all areas of my life.
  14. I am deserving of time and space to nurture my own well-being and happiness.
  15. I am grateful for the lessons I learn through both the joys and challenges of motherhood.
mother at peace with children, walking at sunset

Practicing self-love is not selfish.

Self-love is an essential act of nurturing your own well-being so that you can continue to pour love into the lives of those around you.

In the beautiful chaos of motherhood, amidst the late nights and early mornings, the laughter and tears, may these self-love mantras serve as gentle reminders of your worthiness, strength, and beauty. Let their loving energy uplift and inspire you each day.

As you navigate the ups and downs of motherhood, may you always remember to be kind to yourself, to honor your needs, and to celebrate the incredible woman and mother that you are.

You are worthy and loved. You are enough.

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