The Ultimate Guide to the Self-Care Wheel

Do you ever feel like life is a chaotic ride, spinning at a pace you can barely keep up with?
Welcome to the club! In the fast-paced hustle of modern life, where priorities often revolve around work, family, and numerous other obligations, it’s easy to lose sight of the most crucial element: ourselves. Amidst the chaos, the concept of self-care urges individuals to prioritize their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. A self-care wheel can really help you prioritize that self-care.
Envision a wheel that encompasses the various facets of our lives, each spoke representing a crucial aspect of our overall health – physical, emotional, social, and more. In this blog post I will go into the details of the self-care wheel – what it is, its benefits, how to create one, and how to use one. Get ready to revolutionize your approach to self-care!
What is a self-care wheel?
A self-care wheel is a tool designed to help you identify and prioritize various aspects of self-care in your life. It can provide some balance amidst the chaos, offering a holistic approach to well-being. Self-care is not a one-size-fits-all concept. The self-care wheel can help you identify and address your unique self-care needs. It can also be used to help you create a self-care vision board.
History of the self-care wheel
Self-care has a long history. Many countries have recognized the importance of taking care of yourself in the different aspects of life – physical, emotional, personal, etc. The concept of the self-care wheel was created by Olga Phoenix in 2013. It is used by therapists and wellness groups throughout the world.

Benefits of a self-care wheel
Holistic approach
One benefit of the self-care wheel is that it is a holistic approach. It covers various dimensions of well-being, such as physical, psychological, personal, professional, emotional, and spiritual.
Increased self-awareness
The self-care wheel can also increase one’s self awareness. As you work through creating one and using it, you will reflect on different areas of your life. You will also learn more about your own personal needs, and what self-care activities best nurture those needs.
Reduced stress and burnout
Self-care reduces stress. Focusing on self-care activities for the different areas of your life can also help fix mom burnout. When I’m feeling overwhelmed as a busy mom of two and choose to do something for myself I feel like I can breathe again.
Improved health
One of the spokes of the self-care wheel is physical, so using a self-care wheel can improve overall health. You’re focused on eating nourishing meals, hydrating well, and doing some physical activity.
Increased prioritization
A self-care wheel can help you prioritize your own needs. It’s so easy, especially as a mom, to be focused on everyone else. There’s the laundry, buying new clothes, keeping track of the kids’ activities, etc. We still need to prioritize ourselves, because if we don’t, we’ll end up burnt out and not able to take care of our families.
Easily customizable
Another benefit of the self-care wheel is that it’s easily customizable. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all do A, B, and C, and feel more relaxed. You can choose your own activities for each category of the wheel.
More positive mindset
The self-care wheel can also help create a more positive mindset. You’re taking the time to do activities that bring you joy and satisfaction which will help you feel better about yourself.
Six common components of the self-care wheel
The physical component of the self-care wheel consists of activities that focus on exercise, nutrition, sleep, and relaxation. Some ideas for this spoke of the wheel can be:
- Go for a walk
- Try a new exercise activity
- Drink more water
- Eat a healthy meal
- Get more sleep
The psychological component of the self-care wheel consists of activities that focus on mindfulness, socializing, and creativity. Some ideas for this spoke of the wheel can be:
- Call a friend
- Color
- Think about one thing you see, feel, hear, smell, and taste.
- Have brunch with friends
- Paint
The personal component of the self-care wheel consists of activities that focus on hobbies, skill development, and setting personal goals. Some ideas for this spoke of the wheel can be:
- Read a book chapter
- Take a class for a hobby
- Listen to a podcast
- Read a self-help book
- Listen to an audiobook
The professional component of the self-care wheel consists of activities that focus on balance, time management, and career development. Some ideas for this spoke of the wheel can be:
- Apply for a new job
- Take a personal day
- Make a vision board
- Say yes to a challenge
- Seek out additional training
The emotional component of the self-care wheel consists of activities that focus on stress management, self-compassion, and emotional expression. Some ideas for this spoke of the wheel can be:
- Write in a journal
- Practice gratitude
- Do nothing and just be
- Practice affirmations
- Forgive yourself
The spiritual component of the self-care wheel consists of activities that focus on meditation, reflection, and connecting with nature. Some ideas for this spoke of the wheel can be:
- Do a meditation
- Light a scented candle
- Go outside barefoot
- Practice 4-7-8 breathing
- Do some yoga

How to create a self-care wheel
Step 1 – Get a self-care wheel template.
The first step to create a self-care wheel is to grab your own self-care wheel template. I have included a link to my template at the end of this post!
Step 2 – Label the sections.
The next step is to label the sections of the wheel. You can use the six common components of physical, psychological, personal, professional, emotional, and spiritual, or you can come up with your own.
Step 3 – Assess your current self-care.
The third step is to think about the dimensions you chose and your current self-care practices. Are you great at the physical dimension but don’t do much for your emotional dimension? If you’d like, you can give yourself number ratings (ie. 1-10), or if you’re not into numbers you can use words such as great, good, fair, needs help.
Step 4 – Review your assessment.
Next, review your assessment of your current self-care practices. What areas are you doing well at? What areas do you have to focus on more?
Step 5 – Identify specific activities.
Finally, identify specific activities for each self-care dimension. Include activities you are currently doing if you’d like to continue them, for the areas you’re doing well at. Come up with activities you’d like to start doing for the dimensions you need to focus on more in order to make your self-care more balanced. You can use printable self-care tools for moms for easy ideas.
How to use a self-care wheel
Step 1 – Prioritize and set goals.
Identify which areas of your life need more attention and really focus on them. Set attainable goals to make it easier for you to focus on self-care. For example, if you want to meditate more, set the goal of doing a 5 minute meditation each day.
Step 2 – Make self-care part of your routine.
Make self-care part of your daily, weekly, evening, or morning routine so you can really keep up with it. It can be hard at first to get into a new routine. You may forget to do some activities or think that you are too busy and push it off. Put reminders in your phone or even block off time on your calendar to help you be more accountable. You can even ask your spouse or another family member to provide some encouragement.
Step 3 – Monitor progress.
You can continue to assess your self-care practice and update the wheel as needed. Celebrate your achievements too! If you set the goal of journaling for self-care each day and you were able to do that for a whole week be proud of yourself! All achievements should be celebrated, whether they are big or small. This helps you continue to prioritize yourself.
Step 4 – Be flexible.
Needs and other circumstances change, such as a sick child or a new job, so don’t be hard on yourself if you have a bad day or week. If things are crazy and you can’t do a 30 minute workout, try to do a 15 minute one. Adjust as necessary, but it’s important to get back to your regular routine when things are back to normal.
Step 5 – Keep the self-care wheel visible.
Keep your self-care wheel in a visible location to remind you to prioritize yourself. Hang it on the fridge, or a mirror. Make multiple copies and leave them in different rooms of your house.
Step 6 – Share and inspire.
Share your self-care journey with others and encourage them to prioritize their self-care too. You may inspire another overwhelmed mom, or burnt out friend, to take time out for herself. It’s very easy to get stuck in the daily grind and take care of everything else before taking care of ourselves. That’s not sustainable though. So share your self-care wheel or the new self-care activities you’re enjoying with your friends and family to help them too.

The self-care wheel provides a starting point for your self-care journey.
As you embark on your self-care journey, remember that it’s not about perfection but about progress. Assess your needs, adjust your self-care plan as needed, and be kind to yourself as demands come and go. The self-care wheel is a tool that urges you to prioritize not only productivity but also your mental, emotional, and physical health.
In a world that often glorifies busyness, the self-care wheel stands as a testament to the importance of carving out moments for oneself. It’s a reminder that investing in your well-being is not selfish but a necessary step towards becoming the best version of yourself.
My self-care wheel printable is available in my Etsy shop. It’s filled 30 self-care activities and also includes a blank wheel for you to fill in with your own ideas!

Let me know how it goes for you!