A Crazy Simple Daily Self-Care Planner: Prioritize You!

mom overwhelmed needing daily self-care planner

Let’s take a moment to talk about something that often gets pushed to the bottom of our never-ending to-do lists…self-care.

As moms, we’re masters of juggling a thousand tasks at once, from school pickups to meal prep to late-night snuggles with little ones. But in the midst of all this hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves. That’s where a daily self-care planner comes in. It’s not about adding more items to your already overflowing to-do list; it’s about finding simple, manageable resources for moms to help you prioritize your well-being, even when life feels like one big whirlwind.

It’s difficult to find quick and easy self-care tools with the thousands of options that come up when you search. That’s why I’ve created my own daily self-care planner as a solution to the overwhelming self-care tools out there.

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woman filling out to do list, for daily self-care planner

My Daily Self-Care Planner

My daily self-care planner can be found in my Etsy shop. It’s a 6-page printable that can be quickly reviewed daily. I definitely understand that as a fellow busy mom, you don’t want to have to fill out a ton of pages just to plan out some self-care time. My planner will take up just a few minutes of your day.

Components of my Daily Self-Care Planner

My daily self-care planner contains pages of self-care ideas, weekly checklists, monthly checklists, and annual checklists to help you plan out your self-care habits.

Self-Care Habit Suggestions

The Self-Care Habit Suggestions page contains 30 different self-care ideas covering the 6 different self-care categories of necessities, physical, emotional, spiritual, professional, and intellectual. If you’re struggling to come up with self-care habits for the planner, definitely start with this list!

Weekly Self-Care Checklist

The two Weekly Self-Care Checklist pages are where you will plan out your daily self-care for the week. There are sections for the 6 self-care categories to make sure your self-care is comprehensive. You will add self-care activities to each category and check off the days you plan to do them.

Monthly Self-Care Checklist

You will use the Monthly Self-Care Checklist page when you have self-care habits that you want to track for a month or more. You can set goals for each self-care habit as well as due dates and rewards for completing those goals. Finally, you can mark off each day that you complete that self-care habit to help hold yourself accountable.

Annual Self-Care Checklist

The Annual Self-Care Checklist page is for self-care habits that you want to track for a year. You can set goals and reminders as well as take notes on your progress. You can also check off each day that you complete the self-care habit.

365 Days Self-Care Checklist

Lastly, the 365 Days Self-Care Checklist page is another annual tracker page. Choose a self-care habit that you want to track annually, and all you have to do is mark off the days that you complete it. No note-taking required!

pin for a crazy simple self-care planner, prioritize you!  photo of daughter and mom practicing daily self-care meditation

The need for daily self-care

Daily self-care is extremely important for mental health. As busy moms we’re bouncing from task to task throughout the day. There’s waking the kids up, making breakfast, getting the kids out the door for school. Maybe you’re off to your own job at that point. Or perhaps you work from home and are trying to get household chores like laundry done while also working. Whatever we’re doing, it’s go, go, go all day.

Daily self-care can provide a much-needed reset and mind shift. On the days that I make time for self-care I can breathe deeper and I just feel happier, like I chose something for myself. As moms we do so much for everyone else, but we definitely need some time where we do something for ourselves too.

Benefits of daily self-care

Here are some of the key benefits of daily self-care:

  • Improved mental health: Practicing self-care on a regular basis helps reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression.
  • Increased energy levels: Self-care activities such as exercise and healthy eating and sleeping habits can boost energy levels.
  • Better physical health: Consistent self-care habits such as exercise and keeping up with routine doctor check-ups can reduce the risk of physical health issues.
  • Improved emotional resilience: Taking time for self-care can help build emotional resilience, making it easier to cope with the daily challenges that come up throughout the day.
  • Greater patience: I know when I am more rested after taking time for myself, I’m much more patient and loving towards my children and husband.
  • Improved relationships: Self-care can strengthen relationships by improving moods and communication skills, creating more of a connection with our partners and children.
  • Personal fulfillment: Taking time out for activities that bring us happiness can maintain our sense of identity instead of only being focused on the mom tasks that we have to get done.
  • Role modeling: By prioritizing self-care, we are setting a positive example for our children, teaching them that is important to have healthy habits.
  • Enhanced productivity: Regular self-care can help you be more focused and work efficiently.
  • Reduced burnout: Consistent self-care helps prevent burnout by ensuring that we regularly recharge and attend to our own needs.
purple image of time for me checklist for daily self-care

In the whirlwind of daily life, especially as a mom, it’s easy to put our own needs on the back burner.

However, prioritizing self-care isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential for maintaining your overall well-being and being the best version of yourself for your family. My daily self-care planner can help you carve out those crucial moments for yourself amidst the chaos.

By taking the time to use my daily self-care planner, you’re making a commitment to prioritize yourself. Whether it’s a few minutes of meditation, a walk around the block, or simply jotting down your thoughts and feelings, these small acts of self-care can have a big impact on your mental, physical, and emotional health.

So go ahead and check out my self-care planner and other mom life printable products! As a special gift to you, I’d like to offer you my free 5-day self-care challenge to help you get started on prioritizing your self-care.

mockup for free 5-day self-care challenge, includes self-care ideas for daily self-care planner

When you take care of yourself, you’re better able to take care of those you love.

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